All That Remains II

All That Remains II
 458 0 Report
Uploaded by Debbie Oppermann on Dec 01 2020 in Guelph
Taken on Jun 27 2019

"All That Remains II" by Debbie Oppermann. The Pickerel River is a tributary of the French River Ontario Canada and some areas were greatly affected by the very large Parry Sound Forest Fire 33 in 2018. When motoring down the Pickerel River outlet in our motorboat we eventually got to the last area where the forest fire was finally extinguished. We decided to park the boat and clamber over the rugged rocky landscape to see how badly the fire had affected the landscape.The forest fire was devastating but as this was the following year you can see the mosses, lichen, wildflowers and some bushes have new growth.

Tagged: CV6 nature outdoors wilderness plant tree rubble fir land slate soil conifer ground cloud sky plant_community bedrock natural_landscape wood grass
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